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Videre Consulting Director

Asset Management Specialist

Jennifer Carew

Trained as a Geographer and a Earth Scientist, a secondary school teacher and a Program Manager, and now completing her Masters in Public Policy and Policitcal Science, Jennifer brings a diverse range of experience to her Asset Management career.

First engaged as an Asset Management Systems Manager at Waipa DC, Jennifer deployed and extensively developed the Asset Management System at Waipa, later moving into the Three Waters Delivery Unit planning capital works renewal programmes and rolling out the PM maintenance and works programmes for the three waters team. As part of this role, Jennifer was engaged to be part of the Central Govt Working Group for the development of NZ Three Water Metadata Standards. Jennifer moved into the private sector post her time at Waipa DC, as the Operations Manager for AssetFinda and Univerus, a role that included managing consultancy services for clients across New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific. Following this, Jennifer engaged with Clarita Solutions leading teams through projects focusing on strategic planning and roadmap development. Jennifer managed the renowned Location Services Team for Clairta. Upon purchase of Clairta by COSOL, Jennifer took on a role as a principal consultant for COSOL, and the Stratgic Project Team Lead, whilst also continuing to assist in management of the new Location Services COSOL team. Through her role as a principal consultant for COSOL Jennifer led projects developing comprehensive Metadata standrads for complex Water Utility Providers, Developed strategic Asset Management Roadmaps, providing strategic direction for not only Asset Management Practices but also system and technology solutions, while also Project Managing Esri AGOL deployments and Asset Management Improvement projects. 

Embedded within the 'Wellington Engine', Jennifer is actively involved with the movements throughout NZ Government and the legislation being developed and passed through the house. With a specific interest in the role of Central Government and Local Government in the management of infrastrucutre, Jennifer is currently working towards delivery of her Masters Thesis focusing on Funding Practices for Infratstucture and the impact that this has on the overarching resilience of local communities. 

Based in Te Awamutu, Jennifer and her family are frequently up a mountain, on a lake, out in the ocean or out and about with the horses. Not one to sit still for too long, Jennifer is also heavily involved as a volunteer with multiple equestrian roles, and also loves to get out and about on her motorbike, a Honda NT1100.  


Principal Consultant

Technology Specialist - Drone Operator, Modelling Specialist and Building Management Consultant 

Lindsey Carew 

Lindsey specialises in the operation of our industry leading Drone and mapping technology. From planning flying routes through to undertaking targeted building inspections with live steam feeds, our Drone services are proving to be very popular with Local Councils and private organisation alike - the ability to deploy the Drone ensures that clients are able to target their inspection programmes with absolute condifence that they are able to capture and process data efficiently and economically. 

Lindsey, a qualified Architectural Designer brings extensive knowledge to the company regarding Building management, property management and the use of Drone Technoclogy to produce 2D, 3D and VR environments.

Like Jennifer, Lindsey has a passion for the outdoors, and can often be found working on his motorcycle collection, up a mountain or out on a lake.  He can also be found out riding his motorbike, a PanAmerica Harley. 

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